Friday, April 2, 2010

Final Reflection

Dear Friends and Readers - Lent is come to an end and so will my film review; for the time being, at least. I give my thanks to all of those who have supported and encouraged me over the last 6 or so weeks. I feel tremendously privileged that so many of you have chosen to give my words such caring time and prayerful consideration. I pray that God spoke to you in a unique way through the words and thoughts offered in these reflections.

It was enjoyable to take up this Lenten discipline after having done so last year. I found once again that having the films chosen at random and by people other than myself challenged me in a unique way. There were a few times when I came face-to-face with films that I had never thought of or viewed through the "lens of faith." But God was with me and gave me a "vision" of what spiritual material within the film might be beneficial for His people. I'm doubly pleased that I was able to work Scripture into all of the reviews. That was one of my goals coming in to this year's review and i'm glad I was able to achieve it. That being said, I encourage you to not use my reviews (or anyone's devotional material) as a replacement for reading the Bible! There is simply no substitute. While resources like mine do help to encourage and enlighten the Christian spirit, there is no resource in this world (or any other) that replaces the Word of God. Drink deeply of that well.

I know i'll be taking a break from writing reviews for a couple months, at the least. I am considering starting the reviews up again in the summer. I've been kicking around the idea of doing a series of reviews this summer in which i'd review movies that are part of a larger series. I'd probably do one series a week. That'd make trilogies easy enough to squeeze in and it'd give me extra space for longer series such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, and so forth. There are lots of anthologies in the cinematic universe and I think it'd be fun to look at the function of the cinematic series and how central themes are communicated over the course of several films. Your thoughts regarding that ambition (or anything regarding my film reviews) are most welcome.

I'll be producing hard copies of this year's review within the next month or so. If I have the time i'll also finish my proofing/re-formatting of last year's review and will see about making the whole anthology of reviews available. If you're interested in receiving a copy of this or last year's film review (or both, once they're ready), kick me an e-mail and we can discuss getting a copy to you.

Thank you again, and may God bless you.

I wish you all good and peace - E.T.

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