Sunday, April 12, 2009

Final Reflection

Folk - The final review has been posted and Lent is nearly over. Tomorrow we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the death and we glory in the victory God has achieved over death forever and ever. With songs of thanksgiving and prayers of joy we lift our hearts to God in humble worship for what he has done through the work of his Son, Our Lord. I pray that tomorrow will be a day of outstanding joy for you and your family. May your worship and your fellowship be full of God's blessing and love.

I give my thanks to all of those who supported me as I wrote the film reviews. It became common to get texts in the morning as folks read the new review over their coffee. I feel tremendously privileged so many of you have chosen to give my words such caring time and prayerful consideration. I pray that God spoke to you in a unique way through the words and thoughts offered in these reflections.

When I took on this "discipline" for Lent I was not sure how it would pan out. Having the films chosen at random and by people other than myself certainly challenged me in a unique way as I came face-to-face with films that I had never thought of or viewed through the "lens of faith." I am pleased to say that the Spirit gave me the vision necessary to see what God had hidden in even the most unsuspecting films. Every time the "Reel Revelation" came forward I embraced it, took it into my own life, and reproduced it that we may share together in God's Word. That being said, I encourage you to not use my reviews (or anyone's devotional material) as a replacement for reading the Bible! There is simply no substitute, and we can all use more time delving into the splendid mysteries of God's Word.

I cannot say if i'll continue to post reviews or not. If I do you'll find them at this same blog. For those who would like a hard copy of the Lenten Reviews I am producing several complete copies and making them available to anyone who wants to re-read these thoughts away from the computer. I hope the hard-copies will be of value to those who do not have access to the Internet but still want to read.

I wish you all good and peace - E.T.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the hard copy. Keep posting reviews, please.
